Play Euchre


Euchre is a fun, social, trick-taking card game. Win more tricks than your opponents to score points! Find the video tutorial and written explanation for how to play four player euchre, followed by five player euchre, below.

Four Player Euchre Tutorial

Play euchre card games online, free


24 card deck (9s up to the aces in each suit); four players; two scoring cards per team.


Take the deck of cards and set aside 2 – 8 of each suit. Only 9 – Kings and the Aces are used to play Euchre. Remove the 4 and 6 of Spades and the 4 and 6 of Hearts from the cards that won’t be used for play. These cards will be used for scoring. Each team should choose a team member to be in charge of score.

Each player is dealt five cards in sets of two and three. Flip the top card of the remaining deck over for everyone to see.

  • Select “Play” and Trickster Euchre finds other players based on skill and speed. Get started without waiting — other players join as they’re ready. After the game, “Play Again” keeps you playing with the same players. Example Euchre popular rules.
  • While most people who play Euchre are playing Turn Up, Bid Euchre is a fun alternative way to play. Four players typically play in teams of two, but it is sometimes difficult to get four players together for a game (especially four players who know how to play Euchre). Ghost Hand Euchre is a great alternative for a group of three.


To win tricks during the game play and be the first team to ten points.

Card Rank

The cards are ranked with aces being the highest and nines being the lowest until a trump suit is established. When the trump suit is established, the jack of trump becomes the highest ranking card. The off suit jack of the same suit color, known as the jick, becomes the second highest ranking card. A trump suited card outranks all other suited cards.

Determining Trump

The first option for the trump suit is the suit of the card that was flipped up from the deck during the deal. The player to the left of the dealer has the first option to make that suit trump or pass. The choice moves clockwise with each pass.

If the flipped up suit is chosen as trump, the dealer gets to switch a card in his/her hand with the flipped up card.

If every player passes on the first card’s suit as trump, the card is flipped down. That suit can no longer be trump for the round, and no card switch takes place for the dealer.

The choice for trump returns to the player left of the dealer to choose any other suit as trump or pass. The choice continues clockwise until a trump suit is determined. The dealer must choose a trump suit if no other player decides one.

Game Play

The player left of the dealer plays the first card. Play moves clockwise, and each player must play a card with the same suit as the lead card, if possible. If not possible, the player can choose to play any card.

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If a trump suited card was played, the highest ranking trump suited card wins the trick. If no trump suited card was played, the highest ranking card in the lead suit wins the trick. The player that wins the trick will lead the next trick.


Play Euchre

The team that determined the trump suit is known as the attackers. The other team is known as the defenders. If the attackers win three or four tricks, they are awarded one point. If the attackers win all five tricks, they are awarded two points. If the defenders win three or four tricks, they are awarded two points. If the defenders win all five tricks, they are awarded four points.

Playing alone

The player that determines the trump suit has the option to play without his/her partner. The game play is similar to the above description except with only three players playing. If the attacker wins all five tricks, his/her team is awarded four points. Otherwise, all other scoring is the same as above.

Five Player Euchre Tutorial

Play Euchre Online With Friends



28 card deck (8s up to the aces in each suit); five players; two scoring cards per player.


Each player is dealt five cards in sets of two and three. Flip the top card of the remaining deck over for everyone to see.


To win tricks during the game play and be the first player to ten points.

Card Rank

The cards are ranked with aces being the highest and eights being the lowest until a trump suit is established. When the trump suit is established, the jack of trump becomes the highest ranking card. The off suit jack of the same suit color, known as the jick, becomes the second highest ranking card. A trump suited card outranks all other suited cards.

Determining Trump

The first option for the trump suit is the suit of the card that was flipped up from the deck during the deal. The player to the left of the dealer has the first option to make that suit trump or pass. The choice moves clockwise with each pass.

If the flipped up suit is chosen as trump, the dealer gets to switch a card in his/her hand with the flipped up card.

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If every player passes on the card’s suit as trump, the card is flipped down. That suit can no longer be trump for the round, and no card switch takes place for the dealer.

The choice for trump returns to the player left of the dealer to choose any other suit as trump or pass. The choice continues clockwise until a trump suit is determined. The dealer must choose a trump suit if no other player decides one.

Partner Pick

The player that determines the trump will pick his/her partner by stating a playing card. The player with the selected playing card becomes the partner but doesn’t make it known. The other players only find out who the partner is when the selected playing card is played during the round.

Game Play

The player left of the dealer plays the first card. Play moves clockwise, and each player must play a card with the same suit as the lead card, if possible. If not possible, the player can choose to play any card.

If a trump suited card was played, the highest ranking trump suited card wins the trick. If no trump suited card was played, the highest ranking card in the lead suit wins the trick. The player that wins the trick will lead the next trick.


The bid winner and selected partner are known as the attackers. The other three players are known as the defenders. If the attackers win three or four tricks, they are awarded one point. If the attackers win all five tricks, they are awarded two points. If the defenders win three or four tricks, they are awarded two points. If the defenders win all five tricks, they are awarded four points.

Play Euchre

Playing alone

The player who determines trump has the option not to pick a partner and play the hand alone. The player who determines trump is forced to play alone if the playing card selected for determining a partner is buried in the remaining deck.